Popular Articles

  1. Introduction to AudienceLens

    AudienceLens does just one thing and does it very well: audience analysis. It's an interactive tool that goes beyond aggregate data. It's designed for simplicity and ease of use. Within minutes, you will be able to dive deeply into the data to unc...
  2. Editing a multitimeview report

    To edit a multitimeview report, select the Settings tab to change any report component. Click Update when you're finished. ...
  3. Switching accounts

    A few clients have access to more than one InsightStore organization's account. Switching between those accounts does not require logging out and back in. Go to the upper right corner of your InsightStore 2 screen. A downward-pointing expanding c...
  4. Deleting a deep profile report

    To delete a deep profile report, open it and go to the Settings > Definition tab. Scroll to the buttons at the bottom. Use the red Delete button. You'll see this modal. If you use the red Delete button here, the report will be delete...
  5. Answer groupings

    Answer groupings provide you with an alternative view of question results. You can combine answer options and apply unique labels that mirror your research objectives. For example, consider the question, “How much do you like to eat at Chipotle?”...
  6. AdEngage

    CivicScience offers the ability to integrate an ad unit that will be served alongside the poll unit. Various configurations and layouts accommodate a media partner's ad size and location preferences. AdEngage integrations require collaboration bet...
  7. Sage program for journalists: Frequently asked questions

    Q: Is this program free? A:  Yep, it's free. There are no charges for using Sage for editorial research purposes for qualifying media organizations as part of our long-standing commitment to supporting journalism. However, CivicScience reserve...
  8. Question insights

    Question insights are differences in traits, attitudes, and behaviors associated with the answers to your question. Insights are ranked by strength, a measure that combines the effect size and confidence level of the association. Question insight...
  9. Moving a dashlet

    Dashlets can be moved to any position on your dashboard. To move a dashlet, hover over the move cursor symbol (it's next to the kebab menu in the upper right corner of each dashlet) until your cursor changes to a hand symbol. Here's a gif showi...
  10. Question details page

    The questions list shows a lot of information about each question, but if you want further information, you can click on a question's text to go to the question details page. The top section of the question details page shows the question results. ...