If you wish to update your name or password in the InsightStore, use the Profile link in the lower section of the left navigation bar.
Update user information
Each field on the Basic Information screen is required. To change your first name, last name, or email address, please enter the new information here and hit Save.
Change password
To change your password, use the Password link to the left of the user information.
Enter the new password, then enter it again to confirm it, then hit Save.
Change notifications
To change the notifications you receive from the InsightStore, click on Notifications to the left of the Basic Information or Password screens.
The system defaults to sending immediate notifications when you're added to a user group. The same is true when a multiscore report, dashboard, scorecard, segment, or file is shared with you, or a question's response quota is met. You can change those and other notifications to be sent Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Never.
You will need to hit Save before any changes take effect.