Target customization

The Customization tab under the target's settings has many fields. Changes here can wreak havoc upon your poll unit, so it's best not to change them lightly.

In Article Polling has four options.

  • None means that pinning of questions through the poll unit admin tool is disabled.
  • Allowed permits the pinning of questions.
  • Required has been deprecated.
  • Target would make this target a meta-target and disable the pinning of questions to it.

Recommended Questions have been deprecated. This field will be removed.

The next six fields are fairly self-explanatory. 

  • The NEXT Button establishes the label for the next question button in the poll unit for some questions that don't auto-advance, such as matrix questions. It is also used for moving along through the poll results. 
  • The SEE RESULTS Button is the label on the button that appears beneath a question that doesn't auto-advance. 
  • The THANK YOU Text isn't seen very often, but if a respondent manages to answer all the available questions, the thank you text will be displayed along with a request that they return on another day. 
  • The User Site Link is the URL of the carousel site users will go to if they choose to continue answering questions after seeing the first group of poll results. It defaults to the CivicScience poll site, but media partners may choose to set up their own carousel site.
  • The Privacy Policy Link is an optional link that can be used to present your own privacy policy. (The CivicScience privacy policy is always available to respondents.) It would appear in the menu that is shown in the respondent menu.
  • The Learn More Link can be used to link to a page where you explain the polls if you have one. It would also be shown in the respondent menu.

The next few settings affect the poll unit's sizing and positioning. They should only be used by someone familiar with CSS.

The final set of fields is labeled Advanced

  • The Hostname Override is no longer in use. 
  • The Radio/Select Minimum is the number of answer options that should be shown before the poll unit is switched from radio display to a dropdown list. Blank allows the poll unit to display polls with any number of answers normally. A setting of zero (0) would force the poll unit to always display as a dropdown list. 
  • The Minimum Height (pixels) can be set to any integer but should not be set without consultation with CivicScience. 
  • Partner Name can be left blank or set to your organization's name.  If the Privacy Policy Link or Learn More Link fields are used, the Partner Name must be filled in.
  • Askable Chooser Fallback Roles should be kept to On. If it is turned off, respondents may run out of questions to answer.

Changes made to any field on this page are not applied until the Update Target button is used.