The question search page provides several ways to filter the list of questions to make it easier to find the desired question among the thousands in the CivicScience question library. When a filter is applied, the question list changes to show only the questions that match that filter.
Most filters are cumulative, so when more than one filter is selected, all the selected filters are applied. If the filtering results in no questions being shown, the question list will display a warning message.
Search Text allows you to select which information you want to search: Questions, Answers, or Tags. The Type filter allows users to choose News/Pop Culture, Value, or Profile questions. The Permissions filter enables users to select Custom or Syndicated questions. Choosing Favorites will limit the results to questions you’ve marked as favorites. Timing refers to syndicated questions that are Tracking (always collecting responses), Cyclical (seasonal), or Archived (no longer collecting responses). The Format filter allows the selection of radio or checkbox questions. The Min. Responses filter allows the user to restrict results to questions with more than the specified number of responses.
There are several choices under the Collection Date filter. All Dates is the default, without restrictions on the dates of the questions you see. Currently Live will show questions that are collecting responses now.
Relative Date Range provides two fields. Choose a period length of any number of Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. Then, give a relative starting date using Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years.
Exact Date Range asks the user to select precise Start and End dates.
Please note that date ranges refer to the dates on which the questions were launched, not the dates on which responses were collected. In most cases, questions will have responses on the same day they are launched, but depending on prioritization or other factors, sometimes questions don’t have responses immediately.
Tags Filter
The category tags filter allows users to select any tags applied to the questions in the list or any tag that includes the search term entered in the search tags field. If you choose multiple items, the system assumes a Boolean OR and returns results containing either tag. Please see the taxonomy article for further details on our tag categories.