So, you've just begun to explore the InsightStore! We know it can seem overwhelming. Let's talk about where you might want to start.
The landing page is our "front door," so to speak, so let's start there with a video that explores it. It gives you an easy way to access the various parts of the InsightStore.
The most fundamental unit of knowledge in the InsightStore is the question, so let's look for one of those. Here's a step-by-step explanatory video.
Once you've discovered an intriguing question, you can explore how respondents answered it by clicking on the question's text to access its details page. There's a wealth of information there, so we've created another video that thoroughly explores the details page.
The next thing you might want to try is creating a dashboard to share the insights you found regarding that question. There are three ways to create a new dashboard, but we will start with the simplest option. We have, you guessed it, a video to demonstrate how!
Finally, crosstabs and reports provide an additional way to view data. Take a look at this video on how to create a new crosstab. There are also several types of reports you can utilize.