Using segments

To use segments, find the question you are interested in and click on its text to reach the question page. Click on the Filter Question heading, then on Segments. You will see the Segments dropdown to the right. Click on it and scroll through the list of segments.

Here I've selected the BIPOC Women 18 - 34 segment. The default display is a horizontal bar chart, but you may use the three buttons at the lower right corner to select a vertical bar chart or pie chart if you prefer. 

The hamburger menu at the upper right corner may be used to export or download the displayed data or to view the data table.

Segment Selection Best Practices

The segment list is vast, with many types of segments, but they typically fall into three categories. Custom segments are created for your reports, identifying population groups based on respondents' answers to specific value questions. Demographic segments are made using census data and profile questions. Deployment segments are created to launch questions to specific groups but are not used to filter questions or in report settings.