Interest attributes





  • Frequently attends car shows
  • Identifies car purchase influencers
  • Currently owns or leases a car
  • Expresses behaviors around car repairs


  • Frequent followers of financial and economic news

Food & Drink


  • Follows trends and current events for food and cooking
  • Seeks out new foods and trends
  • Expresses the importance of food in daily life
  • Consumes alcohol, coffee, or other beverages frequently

News & Politics


  • Reads political blogs or news frequently
  • Follows local or state political news
  • Reads political news more than they once did



  • Expresses voting preferences for House of Representative, Senate or Presidential candidates and primaries

Political Issues


  • Follows politics closely 
  • Are intrigued by the American political climate
  • Expresses social, economic, and political issues of most importance as related to the 2024 election cycle

Personal Finance

  • Follows business/finance news
  • Manages money well.


Real Estate


  • Follows trends in home design and improvement
  • Intends to purchase a home in the next year




  • High level of interest in sports
  • Share sports news on social media
  • Watches sports on television frequently




  • Watches more than 1 hour of television per day
  • Expresses the high importance of television in their lives



  • Expresses that travel is a passion
  • Frequently travels to other countries
  • Considers travel experience level as average or expert