What is IDSync?

CivicScience provides a pixel for synchronizing digital identifiers between CivicScience and its partners whenever necessary or desired. This capability allows a flexible framework for future data integration. 

IdSync V3 (Partner Sync) does not create cookies automatically. It contains a partner parameter that allows CivicScience to control third-party alias storage. 


A piece of code following the generalized pattern below is added to partner web pages:

<img src="https://www.civicscience.com/idsync/3?uid=<userId>&p=<partnerShortIdentifier>" width="0" height="0">

Or, when first-party integration is employed:

<img src="https://<firstPartyHostName>/idsync/3?uid=<userId>&p=<partnerShortIdentifier>" width="0" height="0">

where userId is a unique identifier for the visitor known to the partner (such as a content management system or data management platform ID). It can be hashed or otherwise obscured; it is only necessary that it be unique per visitor.