Popular Articles

  1. Video: adding a timeview results dashlet

    This video will show you how to add a timeview results dashlet to a dashboard. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. 1. Go to insightstore.civicscience.com and navigate to your dashboard. 2. Click Add New Dashlet . 3. Select Ti...
  2. Target customization

    The Customization tab under each target's settings has many fields. Changes here can wreak havoc upon your poll unit,  so it's best not to change them lightly. Basic customizations In-article polling In Article Polling has four...
  3. Exporting a dashboard

    It is very simple to export your dashboard to a PowerPoint file. Simply click the  Export  button to the right of the dashboard's title. A PowerPoint file will be generated and downloaded. Before you hit that button, though, if you've used an...
  4. Video: Exploring the question details page

    This video explores the question details page in depth. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  5. Creating a multiscore report

    To create a multiscore report, go to the Reports page and use the blue Create button. Select MultiScore from the dropdown menu. Next, you will see this form. Give your report a descriptive name, then click Add Score . Next, you'll see...
  6. Question compare

    You can use question compare to see how the respondents to a question also answered any other question in our system. A chi-squared test is performed on each table to determine statistical significance, and cells with highlighted green or red perc...
  7. Video: adding a question compare dashlet

    This guide will walk you through the steps to add a question compare dashlet to a dashboard. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. 1. Go to insightstore.civicscience.com 2. From the landing page, click Dashboard . 3. Go to the ...
  8. Modifying a dashlet

    To modify an existing Dashlet on your Dashboard, click the kebab menu. Settings On the Settings screen, you can change the name and any of the selections for the dashlet. Clone The Clone menu item lets you make a new copy of the d...
  9. Integrating more than one poll unit

    You can include more than one poll unit on a page by placing multiple copies of the integration code in the HTML code for your page. Make sure that you use different ID attributes for the  element in each placement of the integration code. When ...
  10. Target theme settings

    The target Settings > Theme tab contains fields designed for styling your poll unit. This page should only be used by those familiar with CSS. The Selected Theme field has options of Published (the current theme of the poll un...