Popular Articles

  1. Timeview results

    On the question page, the first option under  Results is usually  Timeview Results . It defaults to  All Answers  and  Count - Yearly , which won't always have results. Note:  If you do not see Timeview Results for a question, please...
  2. Interest attributes

    The interest attributes are as follows: Interest  Attributes  Automotive   Frequently attends car shows Identifies car purchase influencers Currently owns or leases a car Expresses behaviors around car repairs ...
  3. Poll unit administration tool

    After the poll unit is installed on your site, you may manage the instance through the poll unit administration tool. To do so, you must be logged in to the InsightStore . The poll unit administration controls are displayed at the lower righ...
  4. Creating a crosstab

    To create a crosstab report, click on Crosstabs  in the left nav bar. On the Crosstabs  page, click the blue Create button in the upper right corner. Give your crosstab a name, and then click the blue Create button. You'll ...
  5. Using poll units in WordPress

    Many sites use WordPress as their content management system (CMS). It is very simple to integrate poll units on a WordPress site. The first way to integrate the poll unit code is to add it using an HTML block. Copy and paste the integration co...
  6. Introduction to segments

    A segment is a group of CivicScience survey respondents (i.e., a segment of the larger U.S. population) compiled based on responses to poll questions. You can analyze data for specific groups of respondents using segments, such as U.S. Women , U.S...
  7. Response visualization

    Each target's page will show a visualization of the target's responses at the top of the page.  The key to the graph is at the bottom left. The bright blue line represents observations (poll responses). The black line represents impressions or t...
  8. Signing up for Sage

    If you are an InsightStore user, please contact your account manager to arrange for access to Sage. If you are not a current InsightStore user, you can sign up for a free trial of Sage . ...
  9. Navigating to a dashboard

    Click on Dashboard in the left-hand menu to get to the Dashboard page. All dashboards your account has access to are listed in the dropdown menu that's at the upper left side of any dashboard screen: Y...
  10. Video: adding a comment dashlet

    This guide will walk you through the steps to add a comment dashlet to a dashboard. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. 1. Go to insightstore.civicscience.com 2. From the landing page, click Dashboard in the left navigation pane....