To add a multi-timeview results dashlet, you must first create a multitimeview report . Once you have done so, you can add a dashlet to a dashboard by using the Add New Dashlet modal from the dashboard or by adding the dashlet to a dashboard fr...
By default, only you can see the reports you create. If you want them to be viewable by other members of your organization, go to Settings > Sharing and select the members with whom you wish to share it and the access you want them to have. Those ...
Scorecards have been replaced with crosstab reports , and scorecards cannot be created or edited in InsightStore 2. However, scorecards created in InsightStore 1 can be viewed and downloaded in IS2. Go to the Reports item in the left navigation ...
You might have noticed the question timing filters and wondered about the terms tracking, cyclical, and archived. Tracking questions are those that are always collecting responses, such as those on demographics. Cyclical questions are those that a...
Last Updated: 01/31/2024
in Sage
To manage your Sage subscription, visit our customer portal and enter the email address used as your Sage username. You'll be emailed a one-time password to allow you to enter the portal. Once you've logged in, you'll be able to: Upgrade...
After the user completes the initial questions in the polling session, they can respond to additional polling questions. This is accomplished by sending the visitor to a page containing the CivicScience carousel script. By default, the user is tak...
The bookmarklet below can be used to search a webpage for the presence of the poll unit. Drag and drop the link below into your browser's bookmarks tab or the bookmarks bar. Note: Please disable any adblockers you use, then reload the page befo...
By default, only you can see crosstabs that you create. If you wish to allow others to view your crosstab, click on the Sharing tab. Find the name of the user(s) in your organization to whom you wish to grant permission to view the crosstab. R...
Question tags can be used to organize your questions. Tagging a question will make it easier for you to find related questions throughout the system. Tags can also be used to define question lists on dashboards. Tags can be seen by all members o...
In this guide, you will learn to add a question compare list dashlet to a dashboard. Follow the steps below to customize your dashboard and gain valuable insights.
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