This tab shows you which (if any) questions are pinned to this page. If a question is pinned, its text is shown with a link to its page in the InsightStore. The date it was pinned is also displayed. You can end collection using the Stop button...
The poll unit admin panel controls have several functions that allow you to test the poll unit's appearance.
Remove controls
If you want to see how the poll unit appears to a respondent, click on the brown eye next to the X in the upper ...
The Current Question tab displays the responses (if there are any) to the current question from this target. If a current question is pinned to this instance of the poll unit, the tool asks if the user wishes to stop asking it in this instance. ...
If you want the InsightStore to recommend existing news/pop culture questions to use on your site, select the Use a Recommended Question sub-tab. Select any listed question, choose a weighting scheme , and select either Page-Level Engagement ...
The Use an Existing Question sub-tab permits you to pin an existing question to your site. You can find a news/pop culture question using a question ID or by searching for the text of the question. I wanted to ask a question with the words do...
The Create a New Question sub-tab permits you to create and deploy a new news/pop culture question .
Please do not use the Select Question Sub-Type field. It is being deprecated.
Write the text of your question. The cha...
The positioning controls allow you to move the poll unit around the page. Click the Reposition button (outlined in orange below). The poll unit will disappear, and you will be shown the page without it. Click where you would like it to appe...
The Ask a Question tab has three sub-tabs: Create a New Question Use an Existing Question Use a Recommended Question ...
To make a copy of a scorecard, use the Clone button in the upper right corner of the main scorecard page. ...
You're the only user who can view or edit your scorecard by default. To change that, you must grant access to the scorecard, either by group or to individuals. To do so, go to the Sharing item under the Settings tab. The first line o...