You might have noticed the three dots in the upper right corner of the poll unit (see green square). That's a kebab menu. In this case, it opens the respondent menu. This is where respondents can remove any of their answers from our datab...
Last Updated: 11/19/2024
in Sage
When we set you up as a new Sage user, you will receive three email messages from SageSupport@civicscience.com . Please add that email to your contacts to keep our messages out of your spam folder. The first email’s subject line is “Thanks for s...
Last Updated: 11/19/2024
in Sage
Q: Is this program free? A: Yep, it's free. There are no charges for using Sage for editorial research purposes for qualifying media organizations as part of our long-standing commitment to supporting journalism. However, CivicScience reserve...
The poll unit code snippet consists of a and a tag that will display the poll unit. The poll unit integration will typically be handled by the media partner's content management team with the assistance of the CivicScience Account Managem...
After the user completes the initial questions in the polling session, they can respond to additional polling questions. This is accomplished by sending the visitor to a page containing the CivicScience carousel script. By default, the user is tak...
Target settings determine: The order in which question types are shown on your poll units The text in your poll units The appearance of your poll units The links shown in the respondent menu The size and positioning of the poll uni...
After being invited to the InsightStore, new users will receive two emails. To gain access, the invited user must follow the email instructions. Both messages will be sent from noreply@civicscience.com.
First email
The first email sent...
Scores provide you with an alternative view of question results. They offer the ability to define one metric that represents its underlying components in a single resulting number, making it, therefore, easier to digest and compare to other scores...
Forward Compatibility
We are continually improving our poll units and developing new features and capabilities. We may change the poll unit's HTML structure at any time and without notice. The customization settings described below are desi...
You can use question compare to see how the respondents to a question also answered any other question in our system. A chi-squared test is performed on each table to determine statistical significance, and cells with highlighted green or red perc...