Updated Articles

  1. Introduction to the poll unit

    CivicScience's poll units provide an entertaining experience for website visitors while allowing for maximum user data collection and, in turn, the most relevant insights once the code is integrated into the media partner's site. Data coll...
  2. Using poll units with Google Tag Manager

    It is possible to utilize Google Tag Manager (GTM) to inject a tag of custom HTML based on a trigger.  First, create a custom HTML tag:  Next, insert the poll unit integration code from the InsightStore or provided by the account...
  3. Video: IS2 landing page

    This video explores the InsightStore 2 landing page. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  4. Navigation pane

    Our  navigation pane is on the left side of every page. The logo and the InsightStore title are links to the landing page. The small expanding caret to the right of the InsightStore title collapses the navigation pane to a narrow view...
  5. InsightStore 2 landing page

    When you log in to the InsightStore , you will be on the landing page. It provides an easy way to access various areas of the InsightStore. Your initials and organization name are displayed in the upper right corner of the landing page. ...
  6. Getting started in the InsightStore

    So, you've just begun to explore the InsightStore! We know it can seem overwhelming. Let's talk about where you might want to start. The landing page is our "front door," so to speak, so let's start there with a video th...
  7. Question insights

    Question insights are differences in traits, attitudes, and behaviors associated with the answers to your question. Insights are ranked by strength, a measure that combines the effect size and confidence level of the association. Question insight...
  8. Creating or cloning a dashboard

    There are three ways to create a new dashboard. Create a Blank Dashboard To create a blank dashboard, select Dashboard from the left navigation bar. Click the button in the upper right corner labeled  Create New .&...
  9. Question classifications

    Questions fall into three classifications. Only two classifications, value and profile questions, are used for research. News/pop culture questions The first question presented to a respondent is usually a news/pop culture question. News/pop cu...
  10. Creating a question

    Media partners are able to create and launch questions specifically for their sites. Before creating a new question, please refer to the question creation guidelines . After that, there are a couple of other things to consider. Identify what ...