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  1. Searching for segments

    The search bar at the top of the Segments page (number one below) and the permissions list (number two below) can filter the segments list. Use the dropdown box on the right (number three below) to sort the list.  Segments, like questions, ...
  2. Respondent menu

    You might have noticed the three dots in the upper right corner of the poll unit (see green square). That's a kebab menu. In this case, it opens the respondent menu.  This is where respondents can remove any of their answers from our datab...
  3. What to expect as a new Sage user

    When we set you up as a new Sage user, you will receive three email messages from SageSupport@civicscience.com . Please add that email to your contacts to keep our messages out of your spam folder. The first email’s subject line is “Thanks for s...
  4. What are the different versions of Sage?

    Sage comes in three different versions. All versions have the same interface and basic functionality. However, they differ in terms of the available data for analysis and connections to external systems. Premium users (on paid subscriptions or ...
  5. Responses shown in the poll unit admin tool

    If you are logged in to InsightStore 1, responses for the question currently displayed on your site can be viewed in the poll unit admin tool. Click on the gear in the lower right corner of the poll, then go to the Current Question tab. Response t...
  6. Batch filtering & weighting of dashboards

    Just below the names of some dashboards, you'll see the  Filter Dashboard settings. They allow you to apply filters and weighting schemes to all dashlets of a dashboard at once. These are temporary changes to the displayed data. If you wish to perm...
  7. Video: adding a score results dashlet

    This guide will teach you how to add a score results dashlet to a dashboard. To do so, you will need to create a score first. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. 1. Go to insightstore.civicscience.com . 2. From the landing page, c...
  8. Using poll units with Google Tag Manager

    It is possible to utilize Google Tag Manager (GTM) to inject a tag of custom HTML based on a trigger.  First, create a custom HTML tag:  Next, insert the poll unit integration code from the InsightStore or provided by the account manager. ...
  9. Editing a crosstab

    To edit a crosstab, start with the Settings tab to change the Crosstab Name . Click Update when you're finished. To change the variables, go to the Columns/Rows tab. Each row and column variable can be edited using the first icon to th...
  10. Dashlet fields for media partners

    Media partners will find that most features of dashlets are exactly as shown in the video and step-by-step instructions for each dashlet type. The only difference is that dashlets used by media partners have two extra filter fields.  The Target f...