Popular Articles

  1. Introduction to multitimeview reports

    MultiTimeview reports are used to view time trends across multiple questions (e.g., checkbox questions or two completely different questions) or various demographics (e.g., two different age groups). Creating a multitimeview re...
  2. Introduction to questions

    The library of questions in CivicScience's InsightStore is the foundation of all the data we collect and analyze. We use questions to gather information from voluntary respondents. We ask questions through a network of websites (owned by our media...
  3. Sorting the question list

    The question list can be sorted into nine different orders:  Question Text (a-z) Question Text (z-a) Most recently updated first Least recently updated first Newest first Oldest first Most responses Least responses Rel...
  4. Joining or leaving a network

    Click on Profile in the lower part of the left navigation pane, then click on Your Organization , then Networks . On the Network s tab, enter the Network Access Code in the field above the list of networks. Next, click the  Join Netw...
  5. Introduction to crosstabs

    Crosstabs are tables that summarize and analyze data by examining the relationships between two or more variables. They display the frequency of responses to a set of questions broken down into mutually exclusive categories. You could, for insta...
  6. Introduction to dashboards

    A dashboard is a collection of user-configured dashlets , which are pieces of information or data. Users may create, configure, and share as many dashboards as they like. They may be organized by topic, project, or any other characteristic. You m...
  7. Sharing a question

    To share a question, find the live question you are interested in and click on its text to go to the question page. Scroll down and click on Settings . You'll see a Basic Information section. Go down the page until you see the Sharing section. ...
  8. Networks

    Networks represent all the different ways an organization may want to aggregate data. Large media companies typically put all of their properties into a single network for reporting purposes, then create smaller geographic or topical networks for co...
  9. Basic question information

    Some information for each question can only be seen on the Basic Information screen. To access it, find the question you are interested in and click on its text to go to the question results page. Scroll down and click on the Settings heading....
  10. What is IDSync?

    CivicScience provides a pixel for synchronizing digital identifiers between CivicScience and its partners whenever necessary or desired. This capability allows a flexible framework for future data integration.  IdSync V3 (Partner Sync) does not c...