Updated Articles

  1. Video: IS2 landing page

    This video explores the InsightStore 2 landing page. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  2. Navigation pane

    Our  navigation pane is on the left side of every page. The logo and the InsightStore title are links to the landing page. The small expanding caret to the right of the InsightStore title collapses the navigation pane to a narrow view with...
  3. InsightStore 2 landing page

    When you log in to the InsightStore , you will be on the landing page. It provides an easy way to access various areas of the InsightStore. Your initials and organization name are displayed in the upper right corner of the landing page.  Pic...
  4. Getting started in the InsightStore

    So, you've just begun to explore the InsightStore! We know it can seem overwhelming. Let's talk about where you might want to start. The landing page is our "front door," so to speak, so let's start there with a video that explores it. It giv...
  5. Question insights

    Question insights are differences in traits, attitudes, and behaviors associated with the answers to your question. Insights are ranked by strength, a measure that combines the effect size and confidence level of the association. Question insight...
  6. Creating or cloning a dashboard

    There are three ways to create a new dashboard. Create a Blank Dashboard To create a blank dashboard, select Dashboard from the left navigation bar. Click the button in the upper right corner labeled  Create New .  ...
  7. Introduction to Sage

    What is Sage? Sage is CivicScience’s consumer insights AI assistant. It uses generative AI technology to allow users to leverage CivicScience’s database of 5+ billion consumer insights to find answers to their questions. You can pose consumer...
  8. Exporting a dashboard

    It is very simple to export your dashboard to a PowerPoint file. Simply click the  Export  button to the right of the dashboard's title. A PowerPoint file will be generated and downloaded. Before you hit that button, though, if you've used an...
  9. Dashboards webinar

    We hosted a brown bag webinar about dashboards on March 15, 2024. We discussed why you'd want to use a dashboard, how to design one, and how to create one. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Here is the slide deck . ...
  10. Segments webinar

    On February 15, 2024, we had a lunch-and-learn webinar on segments. Here's the video! Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Here is the slide deck . ...