New Articles

  1. Searching for segments

    Segments, like questions, can be searched by keywords with or without Boolean operators and sorted by Name , Newest first , Oldest first , and Relevance . If you search for two terms, such as car brand , the system assumes you want an OR se...
  2. Using segments

    To use segments, find the question you are interested in and click on its text to reach the question page. Click on the Filter Question heading, then on Segments . You will see the Segments dropdown to the right. Click on it and scroll throug...
  3. Exporting data from a scorecard

    To export data from a scorecard, go to the Download tab. If the report hasn't been computed recently, you can use the Compute button on the upper left of the list of tiles. If you ask to have the data computed again, you will receive an email wh...
  4. Adding a scorecard to a dashboard

    You will find a link in the lower right corner of the scorecard's results that you can use to add the scorecard to a dashboard. Select the dashboard to add the scorecard to from the dropdown list, then hit Submit . ...
  5. Introduction to scorecard reports

    Scorecards have been replaced with crosstab reports , and scorecards cannot be created or edited in InsightStore 2. However, scorecards created in InsightStore 1 can be viewed and downloaded in IS2. Go to the Reports item in the left navigation ...
  6. Exporting a multitimeview report

    To export data from a multitimeview report, go to the Results tab. Use the Filter by Date field to get the data you need, then click on the hamburger menu on the right side of the graph (see the red arrow below). Choose  View data table fro...
  7. Deleting a multitimeview report

    To delete a multitimeview report, go to the Settings tab and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. There's a red Delete button on the lower left corner of the page. If you click   Delete you will see this modal: Use the De...
  8. Sharing a multitimeview report

    By default, only you can see the reports you create. If you want them to be viewable by other members of your organization, go to  Settings > Sharing and select the members with whom you wish to share it and the access you want them to have. Those ...
  9. Filtering a multitimeview report

    To filter a multitimeview report, open the report to its Results tab.  Click on the FILTER MULTITIMEVIEW dropdown. Select one of the options and hit Apply . ...
  10. Editing a multitimeview report

    To edit a multitimeview report, select the Settings tab to change any report component. Click Update when you're finished. ...