The user page

All current users in your account appear on the Users page.

To get to it, click on Profile in the lower left navigation bar.

On the Profile page, select Your Organization, then Users.

From this page, you can invite new users, edit existing users' permissions, remove existing users, and re-invite users who didn't join the first time they were invited.

Editing users' permissions

To the right of a user's name is a field showing their current user type, either Administrator or Researcher

Administrators can perform all system tasks, including managing account settings, writing new questions (if your account permits that), and inviting others to join the account.

Researchers cannot create or deploy questions, manage account settings, or invite others to join the account. They can, however, create dashboards, segments, and reports and share them with others.

To change a user's permissions, click on the downward caret to the right of the user type. Select the new user type and the permissions will be updated.

Remove an existing user

To remove an existing user, click on the to the right of the user type. The X is marked in yellow in the image below.

The person who has been removed will receive an email from like this one.

Re-invite a user

If a user didn't respond the first time they were invited, you can reinvite them. Users in this state are marked with an hourglass to the left of their names.

To send a new invitation message, click the Reinvite link to the right of the user's name. In the image below, it has been marked in yellow.

The user will receive a new invitation email and must follow its instructions to gain access to the InsightStore.

The re-invitation email will look like this and be sent from