New Articles

  1. Introduction to reports

    To read, edit, or create a report, click on Reports in the left navigation pane.  You'll see the reports screen.  To find a report, enter your terms in the search field. Only the names of reports are indexed, so you won't be able to sea...
  2. Dashlet fields for media partners

    Media partners will find that most features of dashlets are exactly as shown in the video and step-by-step instructions for each dashlet type. The only difference is that dashlets used by media partners have two extra filter fields.  The Target f...
  3. Dashboard filters for media partners

    Media partners will find that they have a few extra batch filters available on dashboards for which they have editing permissions.  Please note that these are temporary filters that will be applied to all the dashlets on your dashboard. If you wish...
  4. Question details for media partners

    If you're one of our media partners, most of what you see on the question details page is covered in our other articles . You also see two special fields, though. The first is the Target field. It lists all of your organization's targets, so ...
  5. Video: Exploring the Question Details Page

    This video explores the question details page in depth. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  6. Searching for research questions

    To search for research questions, first, go to the questions page by using the  Questions link in the left navigation bar. Expand the filters and go to the  Types filters, selecting the  Value and  Profile  classifications. If you only wan...
  7. Video: IS2 landing page

    This video explores the InsightStore 2 landing page. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  8. Getting started in the InsightStore

    So, you've just begun to explore the InsightStore! We know it can seem overwhelming. Let's talk about where you might want to start. The landing page is our "front door," so to speak, so let's start there with a video that explores it. It giv...
  9. Identifying respondents

    We use several methods for identifying and remembering respondents and combining each respondent's answers from multiple poll unit visits into one profile. Cookies Our most common identification mechanism is a cookie placed by the poll unit. After...
  10. Poll unit detection bookmarklet

    The bookmarklet below can be used to search a webpage for the presence of the poll unit. Drag and drop the link below into your browser's bookmarks tab.  Please disable any adblockers you use, then reload the page before attempting to detect th...