The bookmarklet below can be used to search a webpage for the presence of the poll unit.
Drag and drop the link below into your browser's bookmarks tab or the bookmarks bar.
Note: Please disable any adblockers you use, then reload th...
Using the poll unit admin tool , you can link to a specific news/pop culture question.
Sign in to the InsightStore. The login page is at https://insightstore.civicscience.com/login .
Find the question you want to ask via the Insigh...
After the poll unit is installed on your site, you may manage the instance through the poll unit administration tool. To do so, you must be logged in to the InsightStore . The poll unit administration controls are displayed at the lower right ...
Forward Compatibility
We are continually improving our poll units and developing new features and capabilities. We may change the poll unit's HTML structure at any time and without notice. The customization settings described below are design...
You can include more than one poll unit on a page by placing multiple copies of the integration code in the HTML code for your page. Make sure that you use different ID attributes for the element in each placement of the integration code. When ...
After the user completes the initial questions in the polling session, they can respond to additional polling questions. This is accomplished by sending the visitor to a page containing the CivicScience carousel script. By default, the user is tak...
Many sites use WordPress as their content management system (CMS). Integrating poll units on a WordPress site is very simple. The first way to integrate the poll unit code is to add it using an HTML block. Copy and paste the integration code...
It is possible to utilize Google Tag Manager (GTM) to inject a tag of custom HTML based on a trigger. First, create a custom HTML tag: Next, insert the poll unit integration code from the InsightStore or provided by the account manager. ...
The poll unit code snippet consists of a and a tag that will display the poll unit. The poll unit integration will typically be handled by the media partner's content management team with the assistance of the CivicScience Account Managem...
Poll units may be used in two different ways. The first is the standard instance. They will look something like this: An example may be seen here . You may read about this type of implementation here . The second type of deployment is a c...